Official informative cinthean carrd.
What does cinthean mean?:
Cinthean is a flag and an optional alternative term specifically for gay/homosexual men and nonbinary people.Why was it made?:
Cinthean, the label and flag, was created as a means for gay people to express themselves due to controversy surrounding older versions of flags meant for gay people- as well as providing another term to describe oneself if they so desired.What inspired the term/flag?
Cinthean is based heavily off of the tale of Hyacinthus. He was a lover of Apollo, who died in an accident while playing discus with him in some versions of the tale. As he died, Apollo transformed his blood into a flower to honor him. Said flower is believed by many to be what we know as the Hyacinth.
The flag colors are based off of common Hyacinth flowers, and the symbol for the flag resembles the Hyacinth flower.
"Can I use the flag?"
Yes, absolutely!"So is the term for all MLM/NBLM or made to replace Achillean?"
Short answer; no. Cinthean is an alternative term and flag for gay men / nonbinary people specifically."I like the term but don't want to use the flag/I like the flag but don't want to use the term, is that okay?"
Absolutely! Your identity and how you choose to represent it is your choice, do whatever feels right for you. Cinthean as a label is not meant to replace the word gay, but just offer another option."Is this flag based on (insert flag)?"
Nope! Cinthean was not based on any other flag. The colors were picked based off of common Hyacinth flowers, and adjusted to fit together. Any resemblance to another flag it might have is entirely coincidental and unintentional."How is cinthean pronounced?"
Sin-thee-un."What's wrong with the rainbow flag/blue gay flag?"
There is nothing wrong with the rainbow flag, however it isn't a flag for cintheans/gay people only. It's a flag for the entire LGBTQ+ community, and as a cinthean I feel having our own flag is important! But if it represents you best, that's alright!
On the other hand, the blue/green/toothpaste/etc gay flag is criticized as a recolor of the lesbian flag, and also builds off of cisnormative gender stereotypes, which is another reason why the Cinthean flag was created."Can I use the flag if I'm ...?"
Cinthean is simply just another way for gay men and nonbinary people to express themselves. Whether you consider yourself gay or not is up to you specifically and not the creator of the flag. Cinthean is not an entirely new term and is not meant to be, therefore it isn't my place to tell you whether the flag is for you or not. If you're gay, then that's your decision to make."Who was involved in the creation of the flag?"
Cinthean was made by twitter user @halcyotis.
They were helped by @ghostedprince (no longer in contact with them) and @ZERRAORRA.
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Folder containing clean copies of the flag |